About Me

jens-collage-for-bioHi! My name is Jen. I’m glad that you have stumbled upon my site and I hope you find it interesting and follow it. 🙂 Let me tell you a little about myself. I lived my life normally as a kid.  I wasn’t all concerned about the thought of how you actually LIVE in the world and how I could LIVE my life until I was found out to have Lyme disease. I was 12 years old then, and since Lyme disease is crippling, I spent a lot of days in bed. Who wouldn’t become a bit of an over thinker when you spend several days and idle hours on a bed? It is true that we could all use some silence, quiet times, a little pause from our busy lives. After several treatments, I felt better but there were recurrences and I was back in bed. No words can describe where my mind brought me during those moments. I had positive and negative thoughts and I must say, all of them were beautiful, kind of complementing each other. I still feel lucky, though, because despite the presence of this disease in my life, I can still do the things that make me happy. 

I was able to work for one of the most prominent and biggest companies in the world- doing marketing- the company that makes your parties more exciting, the company that produces such a refreshing carbonated drink, the company that makes Jack Daniels more delicious- you guys can make a guess! Eventually, for some reason, I had to quit my job.

I went on a few year self-exploration traveling the country & studying about relationships, psychology and human behaviors.  I now have started my own  company where work is flexible and got to interact with people who I coach to have  success in relationships.  I’ve studied with some of the best coaches in the industry as well as implementing what I was taught into my own life.  I think learning is life long and it just doesn’t stop when the formal education is over.  March 1, 2015 I decided to start fresh and move 3,000 miles across the country to a new city and start a new life.

  I  see people genuinely living their lives and you’re stuck in a rut thinking that you have all the resources, the knowledge and skills, yet, what you do doesn’t show signs of growth- they don’t know what to do with the resources. I mean, you’re just there. You can’t do things and spend time with people that make you happy and people who really matter. Ask yourself, what really makes you happy and do that. Thankfully, the universe has brought people into my life people that have put me to where I am now. I am working in my own terms and with my own number of hours. I am happily married now and I live with my two cats. What really matters to me now is time and happiness. How do you spend your time in order to be happy?  If you are stuck in a rut in relationships it may be time to do something about it and schedule a coaching session with me.  I wouldn’t be living in a different city- have my own business if it wasn’t for my coaches.

This site is one part blog, one part relationship advice and third part coaching.  The blog is  to share to the world what I do, my family life, adventures with my cats, places that I have visited, health tips, fitness and food- just about everything under the sun which I feel might be interesting and worth-sharing to you, things in my life which I hope will also bring joy and happiness to the rest of the world.  I’m also a relationship coach that supports people in their daily lives with building solid relationships.  Whether you are getting out of a bad relationship or just needing advice on the subject- I’ll be able to walk you through it and come up with a plan to have results or just peace of mind.

Welcome to quirkyjen! Enjoy!




54 thoughts on “About Me

  1. foguth says:

    Dear Jen, a good friend of mine has lived with Lyme for nearly two decades – fortunately, she is in remission and vows to live life to the fullest. Thus, she has been quite serious about checking off the items on her ‘bucket list’. I know of one thing that still remains, (though there probably are many things) when she becomes too ill to travel, etc., she wants to write her memoirs and title it “Tick Dancing”.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. skipmars says:

    I reckon the company wasn’t RC Cola! Hope you’re working up to that pink caddy! I’ve had two wives represent MK. Not gonna marry again to see if wife #3 goes into that line of work. Still, it has been a vibrant part of the American economy for years. Actually went to the MK headquarters when I was in Dallas for a Premium/Incentives show. Pitched them an all-pink umbrella with a one-piece fabric. Completely Made In the USA. Large MK imprint, of course.

    Thanks for visiting my online writing studio, and for choosing to follow my work. I hope you find something to your liking.

    — SM


  3. meenas17 says:

    it is good that you have overcome or put it precise able to live with the disease and do things in a way better than others.
    Thanks for the follow.
    Hope you enjoy while reading my poems.


  4. Jason says:

    Illness while one of the harshest and hardest things to face in life, can also be one of the greatest. If we allow it, it can teach us some of the greatest lessons we can learn in life. It’s not an easy process, then again what is, but it can be one of the most rewarding things in understanding another and what they go through.


  5. sarahlherbert says:

    Dear Jen,
    You exude such a happiness on your blog (and I LOVE cats!!! I have 2 babies too). Good for you for finding happiness while living with lyme (I know it can be hard). Wishing you lots of luck. Thanks for reaching out.
    Love, Sarah

    Liked by 1 person

  6. JC says:

    Hi Jen… thank you for the ‘follow’ and the ‘like’ of my blog. I like yours as well and will follow. I guess by my title you can tell that I have Parkinson’s. It is always nice to have someone who can sympathies but more importantly understand what your going through. I look forward to many visits to your blog.
    Pease JC

    Liked by 1 person

  7. yogalok says:

    Thanks Jen for visiting my blog, liking an article and following my blog. I like your articles and would like to follow your blog.

    All the Best!

    Sanjay Dhadwal

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Luminous says:

    Hi Jen 🙂 It feels so great to have stumbled upon your blog. You are an epitome which shows that Nothing can stop you from being Happy if YOU want to be Happy 🙂 Wishing you good health and all the happiness 🙂 Happy blogging friend! I have started blogging not a very long time back. If you find a little extra time it would be great if you dropped by my blog and give suggestions to a newbie 😛 Thanks! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Mrs D says:

    Thanks for checking out my post ‘The Patient- an update’. We have quite a menagerie here and everyday brings something new! Anyway, as other readers have said, I’m glad you are living life to the fullest. Keep doing what are doing!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Debb Stanton says:

    Hi Jen! Thank you for visiting my blog. I was intrigued by your blog’s title, read your about page, and sure enough — you are so close to my beliefs about life – living it to the fullest – making it fun, etc. I look forward to our association. 🙂


  11. bblake10 says:

    Hi Jen, I enjoyed reading the snippet of your life. And, I find it very remarkable that although you’ve your obstacle, you don’t allow it to rob yr joy, I’m looking fwd to reading a whole lot more….sounds very interesting. Oh, I luv cats! By the way, thanks for the follow.


  12. Susan Helmus says:

    Hi Jen, Thanks for liking my post on MotherEarthConnections. I was just reading your story. I too have Lyme. So sorry you had to go through that. It’s a crazy illness. I was sick for 16 years before I figured out what it was last year. Now after treatment I am feeling much better. Take care, Susan


  13. Thom Hickey says:

    Thanks very much for following The Immortal Jukebox Jen. I hope you will enjoy lots of entertaining writing and the wide variety of music. I usually post once a week. Please feel free to add comments. If it’s been a while since you visited come on over and see what’s new! Good luck with your blog. Regards Thom.


  14. Seenorway says:

    Thank you for subscribing to my blog! Here you’ll find more than 4000 ‘full screen’- pictures from Norway and/or Norwegian nature. New pictures are posted on a regular basis.
    Please enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

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