QnA He changed his mind about having sex??!!


Jen,  My fiancé and I are different faiths.  I am a Catholic & he is a born again christian. I know religion or faith is not something you are supposed to talk about but his beliefs are much different than mine. He now doesn’t want to have sex with me due to his faith but we have already had sex.  I’m confused and I honestly think that someone in his life is giving him advice about this and it is affecting me mentally at this point.  He has children already and says he doesn’t want his children to find out he is having sex.  I am torn here.  We haven’t set a date and have been engaged for a year and a half. Please say something encouraging! Sheila


Hey Sheila-

Well, first of all you have been engaged for a year and a half and haven’t set a date?  In my opinion that isn’t the best sign- are you dragging your feet or is he?  Usually happily engaged couples get married at most a year and a half from becoming engaged.  Yours could be the exception & I’m crossing my fingers for you!

You aren’t supposed to talk about faith or religion??  ummm you are marrying this man- this needs to be talked about before you got engaged but since it wasn’t then let’s do this asap.  Born again Christians and Catholics are the same faith but very different beliefs of course.  I’m not an expert in religion so I won’t go into that and I don’t know if I’m politically correct by saying certain things.  There absolutely is someone influencing his decision about religion especially with that drastic change.  Beliefs is one of those things that will be a deal breaker if not addressed.  You need to talk to him about this.  Also, why would his children find out he is having sex???  Doesn’t he have a lock on his door???  OHHH this is such a sticky situation & I think I’m bringing more things to light for you.  I’m hoping this can be more eye opening now. I wish you the best of luck!  Remember communication is EVERYTHING.  I’m sure you will sort this out with him.  Hugs!! 


What is your opinion on Sheila’s situation?? Comment below 🙂

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